
never miss a dose

Greater Independence
with Kindo
Kindo is an innovative medication management system that's designed to simplify the process of taking multiple medications and supplements. With its automatic sorting and dispensing feature, taking your daily dosage has never been easier with just a click of a button. Kindo's built-in reminder feature ensures that you never miss a dose, giving you peace of mind and keeping you on track with your medication schedule.

Sort and dispense up to 10 different types of medication with the press of a button.
The canister (with NFC ID) can store approximately three months' worth of average sized pills and users can identify the contents with a scan.
Dimension (cm): 22 (L) X 22 (W) X 32 (H)
The special pillbox can be automatically packaged by the Kindo when users need to bring future sessions on a trip.

Let your loved one
care for you
Invite others to manage your treatment
Share account access while maintaining control over what others can see or manage. You can set specific management permissions beforehand, ensuring your personal privacy is protected.

stay connected with your loved ones

Always up to date
Real-time Notification
Get notified when loved ones have taken the dosage on time, as well as other important activities (e.g. missed dosage, prescription changes, medicine refill)

Treatment in control
Remote Monitor & Management
Families & friends can review the dispense history and the schedule for future sessions of the Kindo user with our mobile application. Permitted users can manage (e.g. dispense, add, edit prescription or suspend) the medications or supplements remotely when necessary.

Adherence in a glimpse
Export at-home treatment records
Healthcare professionals can review the at-home treatment with records available on application the website. The records help provide insights into patient adherence and progress, enabling professionals to make informed decisions during checkups, allowing patients receive the best possible care.